Business consultancy

Advice on registering and running a business

Kyiv | Kharkiv | Odesa

Unlocking business potential in Ukraine: Why foreigners need the help of an immigration lawyer

Ukraine, with its rapidly developing business landscape and strategic geographical location, attracts countless foreign entrepreneurs. However, navigating the intricate legal maze of registering and doing business in Ukraine can be challenging. This is where our experience comes in handy.

Starting and running a business in Ukraine for a foreigner is an exciting endeavour, but it involves legal intricacies. While it is a rewarding endeavour, it is crucial that you enlist the support of legal counsel who is well versed in the law.

Why take a winding road full of potential pitfalls when there is a straightforward, manageable path?

Magisters Attorneys at Law is more than just a service provider; we are your partners along the way. With our in-depth knowledge, unwavering commitment and impeccable track record, we promise to make your Ukrainian business community smoother and more profitable.

Act today for tomorrow’s prosperity. Contact our team and make sure your business in Ukraine is on a solid legal footing. Your success in Ukraine starts with the right legal partner. Choose wisely, choose us.

The role of an immigration lawyer in business registration

 Preliminary consultation:

Before you dive into the registration process, you need to get detailed advice to understand the specifics of your business plan and its viability in Ukraine. Our experienced attorneys and legal advisors can offer recommendations on the most profitable business model and structure.

Documentation and legal requirements:

Registering a business in a foreign country entails numerous paperwork and compliance requirements. Our immigration lawyers and attorneys will carefully review each document, ensuring that you comply with the legal standards of Ukraine without any violations.

Licensing and permits:

Depending on the nature of your business, you may need certain licences or permits. Our team will identify and help you obtain them, reducing the likelihood of future operational issues.

Regular legal updates:

Laws change, and it is important to keep up to date with the latest changes. Our attorneys and lawyers closely monitor changes in regulations to ensure you remain compliant at all times.

Contracts and agreements:

From drafting contracts to negotiating terms and conditions with Ukrainian partners, our lawyers will ensure that your agreements are robust and beneficial to you.

Representation in disputes:

In the event of a dispute or legal confusion, having an experienced immigration lawyer guarantees reliable representation that will protect your business interests.

Undeniable advantages of working with our law firm

Deep knowledge of local specifics:

Our firm’s extensive experience in Ukrainian business law gives us an unparalleled advantage. We know all the nuances and pitfalls and know how to overcome them.

Saving time and money:

With our team managing your legal affairs, you save valuable time, allowing you to focus on the core aspects of your business. In addition, avoiding legal mistakes avoids potential financial losses in the long run.

Tailored solutions:

We do not believe in a one-size-fits-all approach. Every foreign entrepreneur and their business is unique, and we tailor our services accordingly.


Our long-term presence in the Ukrainian legal sector also means that we have a wide network of contacts. Working with us can open doors to other key business relationships in the country.

Let’s schedule a meeting!

Schedule an online consultation with a lawyer or a meeting at the offices of the Attorneys’ Office. We will analyze your situation and find a solution that suits you!

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