Divorce lawyer

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Divorce lawyer

Divorce involves a complex process of severing a relationship that has been going on for a certain period of time. This process resembles the difficult unraveling of threads that were once tightly woven together. The divorce process must take into account a delicate balance of emotions, on the one hand, and financial and legal aspects, on the other. In Ukraine, the process of divorce or dissolution of marriage also has significant legal and material consequences that go beyond the emotional sphere. The involvement of a specialised family law attorney is essential to ensure that you get the best possible result in defending your rights.

The path to divorce is fraught with both emotional and legal difficulties. Magisters Attorneys at Law ensures that you will not be left alone on this path. We provide not just legal support, but a partnership that guarantees the observance of your rights and protection of your future.

If you are going through a divorce, you probably know that it can be a very difficult and exhausting time in your life. Regardless of whether your divorce is voluntary or not, you can contact a divorce lawyer to get professional help and support in this process.

Act now! Don’t let legal complications add to your problems. Contact us today and experience the benefits of partnering with Ukraine’s leading family law and divorce lawyers. Your future deserves the best, and we are committed to providing just that.

Divorce in Ukraine is more than just the termination of a marriage. It involves determining the rights and obligations of each partner, especially in relation to:

Property division: Joint property or assets accumulated during a marriage are often a significant point of contention. An inheritance lawyer helps spouses navigate the complex legal landscape to ensure a fair division of property, taking into account the legal framework of Ukraine and the unique circumstances of the couple.

Determining the child’s place of residence: The emotional well-being of children becomes paramount during a divorce. The decision on the child’s place of residence depends on many factors, which are best addressed with legal expertise to ensure the child’s best interests.

Determining the amount of alimony: Determining the proper amount of child support requires a clear understanding of both parties’ financial situation and the legal regulations of the country. An experienced lawyer will ensure that these determinations are fair and legally sound.

Divorce in court

When spouses have disagreements about divorce or have minor children, the Ukrainian legal system provides for divorce only through the courts. However, some clarifications are necessary:

Disagreement over divorce: The refusal of one of the spouses to agree to a divorce is not an obstacle to its implementation. It is important to understand that keeping a marriage against one’s will is considered coercion, which is not approved by the Ukrainian legal system.

Reconciliation period: The court may grant a period of time for reconciliation. At its discretion or at the suggestion of a lawyer, this period may be from one month to six months.

Participation of a lawyer in divorce proceedings

Statement of claim:

The cornerstone of the divorce proceedings is the statement of claim. The time it takes to resolve the issue and the success of your case as a whole depend on how well this document is drafted and executed.

Our lawyers will make sure that your statement contains convincing arguments, especially if the division of property or the welfare of children is at stake. In some cases, a lawyer may provide additional documents or submit applications to speed up the divorce process, but the expediency of such actions can only be decided by a lawyer after consulting with the client and entering into the case as a representative.

A notarised agreement:

If both spouses agree with the decision to divorce, our family lawyers will help you draw up a comprehensive notarised agreement. This document will set out parental roles after the divorce, details of alimony payments and the methodology for collecting them.

Divorce, especially through the courts, is undoubtedly a complicated process. But with the right legal partner, you can navigate this difficult path with confidence and clarity!

Dissolution of Ukrainian marriages abroad

For Ukrainian citizens living abroad, divorce may seem like a daunting task. However, this process can be simplified by ensuring that your personal legal interests are protected. Our team of family lawyers specialises in handling divorce proceedings for Ukrainians abroad, ensuring that your rights are respected no matter where you are.

Divorce abroad does not have to be a maze of confusion and legal complexity. With the right partner at your side, it can be a journey of clarity, efficiency and confidence.

Are you a Ukrainian citizen who wants to get a divorce abroad? Leave it to the experts. Contact us today and let our dedicated lawyers make sure your journey to a new beginning is as smooth as possible.

Divorce abroad for Ukrainians

While abroad, Ukrainian citizens have two main ways to get a divorce:

Remote divorce proceedings with legal representation:

For those who do not wish to return to Ukraine or participate in court hearings, a remote divorce is possible. Every stage, from understanding the nuances of your case to the trial, can be completed online.

A qualified lawyer is indispensable in this process. Without their experience, going through this process can be difficult.

Divorce through the consulate of Ukraine:

The consul has the authority to dissolve a marriage under certain conditions:

  • Mutual consent of spouses who do not have minor children together.
  • If one of the partners is declared missing.
  • If one of the spouses is declared incapacitated by a court decision.

How our lawyers simplify the process

Comprehensive case assessment:

Our first step involves a thorough understanding of your unique situation. This is crucial for formulating a legal strategy and ensuring that your interests are protected.

Transparent contractual procedures:

All contractual issues vital to protecting your interests are handled remotely, so you are always in the loop.

Expert representation in court:

Our experienced divorce lawyers represent your interests, ensuring that your case receives the attention and expertise it deserves.

Liaison with the consulate:

In cases where consular involvement is required, our team effectively liaises with the consulate to ensure a smooth process.

Divorce from a foreigner

Navigating the complicated issue of divorce is already a difficult task. But when one of the parties is a foreigner, the difficulties increase many times over. That is why you need our specialised family lawyers to ensure a smooth and fair divorce in such circumstances.

Divorce from a foreigner in Ukraine requires a combination of national and international law. Magisters Attorneys at Law has a wealth of successful, long-standing experience in providing this type of service, ensuring that you are protected, supported and informed every step of the way.

Faced with the problem of divorcing a foreigner in Ukraine? Don’t try to go through this difficult path alone. Contact our divorce lawyers today for comprehensive legal support and peace of mind.

Understanding the process of divorce from a foreigner

Divorce from a foreigner in Ukraine is in many ways similar to the procedure for divorce between two Ukrainian citizens. But, first of all, there are certain nuances:

Determining the defendant’s place of residence: Accurately determining and verifying a foreigner’s place of residence can be difficult. After filing a statement of claim, the court will verify the validity of the defendant’s registration at the specified address. If the information provided is not true, the court will issue a ruling to dismiss the case and the plaintiff will be asked to file a lawsuit under the jurisdiction of the court. Thus, you will spend extra time, nerves and money.

We will come to your aid with any questions you may have:

Knowledge of international law: divorce from a foreigner often involves a combination of Ukrainian and international legal norms. Our lawyers’ experience in both areas ensures that your rights are uncompromised.

Property disputes: Cross-border assets and property rights can be contentious. The experience of our team guarantees a fair distribution of property, taking into account Ukrainian and international property law.

Fighting for child custody: When it comes to children, the stakes are higher. Our lawyers fight hard to ensure your child’s welfare and protect your parental rights.

Divorce with a foreign element – a combination of family and immigration law

Divorce from a foreigner in Ukraine is not only a matter of family law. It often intersects with immigration issues, whether they relate to the foreigner’s residence status or the potential relocation of the Ukrainian spouse. This is where our specialised immigration lawyers come in:

Resolving issues related to residence status: Clarifying and securing the extension or change of a foreigner’s residence status in Ukraine.

Resolving issues related to relocation: For those who are planning to move abroad after a divorce, our team ensures that you are informed of all legal obligations and rights.

The attorneys of the Magisters Association will provide :

Fast legal solutions: We strive to get a positive decision in the shortest possible time, saving you from lengthy court disputes.

The interests of the child are at the forefront: We are committed to defending your child’s best interests, whether it is child custody or ensuring the optimal amount of child support.

Expertise in property division: When marital property is at stake, our attorneys ensure that it is distributed fairly, protecting your rights and financial future.

Why you should trust our lawyers to represent your interests in the divorce process :

Comprehensive legal support: our experts will help you navigate the intricate web of Ukrainian family law, ensuring that you are always informed and empowered.

Mastery of documents and evidence: whether it is divorce papers for the registry office or vital evidence for the court, we carefully prepare and present them.

Out-of-court settlement: many disputes can be resolved amicably outside the courtroom. We advocate negotiations to protect your interests and find common ground.

Efficient divorce: our goal? To minimise the time it takes to finalise your divorce so that you can move forward more quickly.

Full representation: from start to finish, we ensure that your case is handled smoothly, even without your physical presence in court.

Adaptive strategy: we monitor the legal position of the opposing party and quickly adapt to it to stay one step ahead.

After the divorce, certain agreements secure the way forward. With our attorneys, you can count on comprehensive agreements on:

  • Upbringing and maintenance of children.
  • Determination and recovery of child support.
  • Spousal maintenance and determination of alimony.
  • Fair division of joint property.

Our immigration lawyers: An additional level of expertise

For international couples or Ukrainians married to foreigners, the divorce process can be intertwined with immigration issues. Our immigration lawyers work together to make sure no stone is left unturned, from residency issues to potential relocation nuances.

Let’s schedule a meeting!

Schedule an online consultation with a lawyer or a meeting at the offices of the Attorneys’ Office. We will analyze your situation and find a solution that suits you!

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