Protection of foreign business

​Legal protection of foreign business in Ukraine

Kyiv | Kharkiv | Odesa

We can reliably protect foreign business in Ukraine!

Legal protection of foreign business

In today’s globalised business environment, expanding your business abroad can bring huge opportunities. With its strategic location and emerging markets, Ukraine is an attractive destination for foreign businesses. However, navigating Ukrainian law can be challenging, and facing legal issues in an unfamiliar jurisdiction can be daunting. This is where our team of experienced attorneys comes in, ensuring the safety and successful development of your business in Ukraine.
When setting up or running a business in Ukraine, a foreigner is likely to face a variety of legal issues and complexities, ranging from corporate compliance and contractual disputes to immigration and tax issues. It is in such cases that the services of an immigration lawyer are indispensable.

Magisters Attorneys at Law is ready to become your key ally in protecting and supporting your foreign business in Ukraine!

The immigration team of Magisters Attorneys at Law offers a wide range of services for foreign companies operating in Ukraine. We understand the unique legal challenges faced by international businesses and strive to offer tailored solutions.

Key services we offer:

Registration of a legal entity: Starting a foreign business in Ukraine requires in-depth knowledge of corporate law, tax law and administrative procedures. We can help you navigate this process efficiently, ensuring that your business is set up legally and complies with all local regulations.

Immigration and visa services: foreign companies often face the need to bring their employees to Ukraine, which requires obtaining the necessary visas and permits.

Our immigration and visa services include:

  • Assistance in obtaining work permits for foreign employees.
  • Visa application for foreign employees.
  • Assistance in applying for a temporary or permanent residence permit.
  • Advice on Ukrainian immigration legislation and ensuring compliance with all requirements.
  • Providing guidance on the documentation and steps required to obtain the necessary immigration documents.

Contract drafting and dispute resolution: сontracts are the foundation of any business relationship, and ensuring that they are clear and compliant is essential.

Our contract drafting and dispute resolution services include:

  • Drafting legally sound and comprehensive contracts that protect your interests.
  • Ensuring that all contractual terms and obligations are clearly defined.
  • Providing advice in case of disputes or breach of contract.
  • Resolving contractual disputes through negotiation, mediation or litigation, if necessary.
  • Suggesting strategies to prevent contractual disputes.

Intellectual property protection: іntellectual property (IP) is a valuable asset for many companies.

Our IP protection services include:

  • Registration and protection of trademarks, patents and copyrights in Ukraine.
  • Conducting IP due diligence to ensure the security of your IP rights.
  • Prosecution of persons infringing your IP rights.
  • Advising on best practices in IP management and protection.
  • Helping you navigate the complexities of intellectual property law in Ukraine.
  • Tax compliance and tax optimisation

Understanding and managing taxes is critical to the financial well-being of your overseas business.

Our tax compliance and tax optimisation services include:

  • Ensuring full compliance of your business with Ukrainian tax laws and regulations.
  • Advising on tax planning and tax optimisation to minimise tax liabilities.
  • Conducting thorough tax reviews and audits to identify areas of potential savings.
  • Assist in the use of tax incentives and benefits available to foreign companies.
  • Assistance in resolving tax disputes in case of problems with the tax authorities.
  • Litigation and legal defence

In some cases, legal disputes or problems may arise in the course of doing business abroad.

Our litigation and legal defence services include:

  • Representing your business in Ukrainian courts on various legal issues.
  • Ensuring reliable legal protection in court proceedings.
  • Litigating cases on your behalf to protect your rights and interests.
  • Using our extensive experience to navigate the legal system and achieve favourable results for your business.
  • Providing expert legal advice and strategies for effective dispute resolution.

Employment law advice: Ukrainian labour law can be very confusing. We offer comprehensive advice on labour law, employment contracts and dispute resolution, ensuring that your staff is productive and compliant with the law.

Our team is ready to provide comprehensive support and expert legal advice to protect and promote your interests in this dynamic market!

Let’s schedule a meeting!

Schedule an online consultation with a lawyer or a meeting at the offices of the Attorneys’ Office. We will analyze your situation and find a solution that suits you!

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