Residence permit | Ukraine

Your easy way to Ukraine!

The lawyers of our association have been successfully providing legal assistance to foreign citizens in migration matters for more than 12 years. The most demanded service in this legal segment is registration of a permanent or temporary residence permit in Ukraine. As a general rule, a foreigner may stay in Ukraine for up to 90 days. In some cases the period of stay may be extended briefly, but for a short period of time, usually from two weeks to a month. If a foreigner or stateless person wishes to stay in Ukraine for a longer period of time, it is necessary to obtain a permit for temporary or permanent residence in Ukraine. In order that the process of legalisation was as fast as possible, and the result is guaranteed, it is important to enlist the support of a lawyer on immigration issues!

We will provide you with the most up-to-date information on how to apply for a permanent or temporary residence permit:

  • determine the grounds for issuing a permanent or temporary residence permit that are applicable in your particular case
  • Based on the grounds, we will advise on the preparation of the necessary package of documents
  • in case of absence of important documents, we will make a lawyer’s request to the state authorities in order to request the documents or their duplicates.
  • We will find a way to minimise the time of residence permit processing as much as possible
ID card, permanent residence permit in Ukraine

A residence permit in Ukraine is an official document issued by the State Migration Service in the form of a plastic ID card with a chip containing information about the holder. The card, whether a permanent or temporary residence permit, is a document confirming the status of a foreigner and is not an identity document.

Choose where it’s convenient!

We are ready to undertake legal support of the process of obtaining a permanent or temporary residence permit for clients from any region of Ukraine.

The offices of our Lawyers’ Association are waiting for you!

In fact, the term “residence permit” is a colloquial term with no legal meaning. It includes two categories:

  • Temporary residence permit – (temporary residence permit in Ukraine) – a document issued for a certain period of time (up to three years, in special cases up to 5), giving the right to legal stay of a foreigner in the country for more than 90 days on certain grounds. A temporary residence permit is, in fact, a prolonged registration.
  • A permanent residence permit is primarily a permit to immigrate to Ukraine, which is issued by the SMS of Ukraine indefinitely. In the presence of an immigration permit, a foreigner or stateless person is documented with an ID – card for permanent residence in Ukraine. This ID-card, in its turn, is urgent and is subject to exchange every 10 years, and even when the foreigner reaches the age of 25 and 45.

An important peculiarity of the permanent or temporary residence permit service is the necessity to submit the documents to the territorial subdivision of the State Migration Service. This is due to the need to take fingerprints of the applicant for residence status. There are no exceptions to this rule. It is impossible to submit documents for consideration by power of attorney or by other means.

Advice on the possibility of obtaining a permanent or temporary residence permit in Ukraine

Initial consultation of an immigration lawyer on the issues of registration of a permanent or temporary residence permit in Ukraine is the most important stage that determines the success of the entire immigration process as a whole. Consultation gives the opportunity to determine:
the grounds, which according to the Law will give the opportunity to issue a temporary or permanent residence permit, respectively
determine the compliance and completeness of the package of documents to be submitted to the Migration Service
agree on the participation of a lawyer in the legal support of the migration process
receive practical advice from immigration lawyers on the issues of obtaining a temporary or permanent permit
once the main positions have been agreed upon, a legal assistance contract can be signed.

It is extremely important to keep track of the period of your stay in Ukraine! If you exceed the period of stay in Ukraine without a permanent or temporary residence permit, you may face unpleasant consequences:

Liability for exceeding the period of stay in Ukraine by foreigners

Foreign citizens and stateless persons who have exceeded the period of stay in Ukraine established by the legislation of Ukraine are held administratively liable under Article 203 of the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offences, which may entail the imposition of a fine, as specified in Articles 26 and 30 of the “Law of Ukraine on the Legal Status of Foreigners and Stateless Persons”: Forced return (according to Article 26) may be carried out against foreigners if they violate laws concerning their legal status, or act against the national security of Ukraine, public order, or if it is necessary to protect the health, rights and legitimate interests of Ukrainian citizens. It may also entail a ban on entry to Ukraine for a period of 3 years.Forced deportation (Art. 30) is carried out by court decision in case of failure to comply without valid reasons with an order for forced return within the prescribed period or if there are grounds to believe that the person may evade such an order. This action entails a mandatory ban on entry to Ukraine for a period of 5 years.

Let’s schedule a meeting!

Schedule an online consultation with a lawyer or a meeting at the offices of the Attorneys’ Office. We will analyze your situation and find a solution that suits you!

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